In the making is my new makeover show , "Halfway Home" , a show helping people with unfortunate Life & style situations, giving them help & guidance to live with a more modern take on their life and style . Giving them that extra help to move on with their life, and a way from their past bad choices and /or unfortunate situations. It is an exciting goal to have , having been inspired by Oprahs" living your best life" and I've decided to take control. My action, trying to find a way that I can give back to my community, having made many bad choices myself , I want to move forward with this new direction , and that is one of service , look out, & watch it happen , best foot forward . xo SJ
CONTACT #310 907 4022 for an appointment @matthewpreecesalon or for BOOKINGS ON SET FOR SHOOTS call my AGENT CHARNELLE (818) 363-3635